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16S rRNA RefSeq: V15.23    Genomic RefSeq: V10.1
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Sequence Meta Information: Klebsiella pneumoniae strain=ATCC 700721; MGH 78578
1HOMD Sequence IDSEQF1250.1
2Oral Taxon IDHMT-731
3OrganismKlebsiella pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae MGH 78578 (enterobacteria)
4Culture Collection or Strainstrain=ATCC 700721; MGH 78578
5Isolate Origin
6Sequencing Status
7NCBI TaxonID272620
8NCBI Genome BioProject IDPRJNA31
9NCBI Genome BioSample IDSAMN02603941
10Assembly NameASM1630v1
11GenBank Assembly ID GCA_000016305.1
12RefSeq Assembly IDGCF_000016305.1
13Contigs and Singlets 6 Open in Genome Viewer
14Combined Length (bps)5,694,894
15GC Percentage57.15
16Submitter or Sequencing Center
17 Pangenome(s): (Anvi`o-server hosted on VAMPS) No Pangenome Assembly Available yet.
18CRISPR-cas Ambiguous [HOMD FTP Site]