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16S rRNA RefSeq: V15.23    Genomic RefSeq: V10.1
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Peptostreptococcaceae_[G-1] [Eubacterium]_infirmum (HMT-105)
Taxon Description:
Eubacterium infirmum belongs to a phylogenetic cluster distant from Eubacterium limosum the type species of the genus and is therefore not a member of Eubacterium sensu stricto. Along with many other members of this poorly-defined genus E. infirmum will be assigned to a novel genus in due course.

Disease Associations:
Isolated from subgingival plaque in periodontitis.

Prevalence and Source:
Found in the human mouth
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Class: Clostridia
Order: Eubacteriales
Genus: Peptostreptococcaceae_[G-1]
Species:Peptostreptococcaceae_[G-1] [Eubacterium]_infirmum
Status: Named - Cultured
Type/Reference Strain: NCTC 12940
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Former Names or Synonyms:
Oral strain W 1417
Phylum: Firmicutes
16S rRNA Reference Sequences:    view in
RefSeq tree
RefSeq ID: 105_3039

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Genotypic Description:
Phenotypic Characteristics: Cells are obligately anaerobic non-spore-forming nonmotile Gram-positive short rods (0.5 µm by 1-2 µm) [1]. Cells occur singly. Asaccharolytic. End-products of metabolism are moderate amounts of acetate and butyrate. The mol% G+C of the DNA is 38.
Cultivability: Slow growth on Fastidious Anaerobe Agar + 5% horse blood plates. After 7 days colonies are approximately 1 mm in diameter circular convex and translucent.
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Microbial Ecology
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NCBI Taxon ID: 186804 [Link to NCBI]
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Number of
Genome Sequences:
1 See List
Phylogenetic Trees:
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[1] Cheeseman SL, Hiom SJ, Weightman AJ, Wade WG. Phylogeny of oral asaccharolytic Eubacterium species determined by 16S ribosomal DNA sequence comparison and proposal of Eubacterium infirmum sp. nov. and Eubacterium tardum sp. nov. Int J Syst Bacteriol. 1996 Oct;46(4):957-9